Be Watchful and Pray

Have you ever had a desire to do work in a ministry and once the opportunity came, you started to face all kinds of obstacles? Nehemiah had the same problem. Once he arrived in Jerusalem and started to work rebuilding the walls, some men started to stir trouble. They try to stop him, delay him, even plot to kill him. His response? He kept building the walls. He would not fall for their tricks nor stop his work. He was determined to finish the job that God entrusted him with. Prayer and determination were his weapons. Are they yours too?

by Sara Burton on June 03, 2021

Nehemiah 4:9 "Nevertheless we made our prayer unto our God, and set a watch against them day and night because of them".

Nehemiah had a dream to fulfill. He wanted to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. It was an insurmountable task without the hard work of many people. King Artaxerxes gave him permission to leave his job. The king also gave him money and helpers with a letter of endorsement. Yet, there were major problems and battles to fight. Anything worth doing is going to involve work. Just when you get ready to do work, someone drops a bombshell on you. Obstacles will become your middle name. That just makes the dream more real. Nehemiah went to God in prayer and gave  the situation to Him. Then he began to work with guards at his side day and night. We, too, must put guards at our side day and night. The devil will always have his crowd try to discourage us from doing good work. Be alert to his ways. He does not come to us in a red suit with a pitchfork in his hand. We would be able to recognize him in a skinny minute. No, he is subtle and sneaky in how he tries to distract us. I warn you, to be prepared and ready to guard yourself all day and all night while you keep on with the job.

Tags: prayer, obstacles, dream, perseverance


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