Like 22:43 "And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him"
Angels have played such an important part in the history of this old world. God had sent angels to all of us at different times in our lives. I have talked before about students sent to me to help me, and I know they were sent from my heavenly Father. In this passage God sent a strengthening angel to his Son. God always knows our needs when many times we don't. He sent this angel to give Christ Jesus the physical and spiritual encouragement needed for the hour of suffering . How many folks do you know that have really suffered and did it so gracefully? It was because God had sent them the strengthening angel just in the nick of time. It's like the starch needed to smooth out the wrinkles in a cotton shirt. Take starch along with the heat of life and the rough places will be made smooth. We don't like the heat of life, yet without it the wrinkles will remain. After the time of testing, we become a person God can use to bring other to Him. Next time you are in need of an strengthening angel, just ask for one. God has plenty!