Cast All Your Cares on Him

We are not promised a life free from heartaches, but we are promised a comforter during times of trouble.

by Sara Burton on May 05, 2021

Psalm 3:4 "I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of His holy hill".

When was the last time you cried unto your Lord with a broken heart? Not too long ago, I bet. As humans we are going to have heavy problems to face, but we are never alone in those problems.  The married daughter of one of my neighbors died suddenly. Her mother had talked with her that night. Becky told her she still had to study her Sunday School lesson and then go to bed. Their two children were already asleep, and she would be going to bed soon herself. They said goodnight, not knowing  it would be the last time on this earth to speak to each other. Becky went on to bed and died in her sleep. During the night her husband realized she was not breathing! My neighbors had such a difficult time accepting her death. Oh, she was ready with her soul, but how could such a thing happen to a healthy young lady? Some time later they met another parent whose daughter had also died suddenly. They were able to understand the shock and heartache as they shared losses with people who understood. In this passage, David is weeping because his own son, Absalom, had tried to dethrone him and kill him. Such a heartache and disappointment for a parent to bear. Yet, David was able to tell us he went to God and poured out his heart. Then he lay down and went to sleep! Sleep doesn't come well if you are upset. Give God your heartache, and then rest in Him. He is on call 24 hours, seven days a week, and He can handle your problems.

Tags: prayer, hope, suffering, pain


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