Share the Spoils

Sharing is an act of love. When we find out that someone is hungry, we immediately go to our pantry and start to fill bags with goods to take to the person in need. We should do the same for someone who is spiritually hungry. Let us share of the abundance that we received from God with a starving world.

by Sara Burton on May 15, 2021

II Kings 7:9 "Then they said one to another, We do not well: this day is a day of good tidings, and we hold our peace."

This is the story of the famine in Samaria and the four lepers. The city of Samaria had been besieged by the Syrian army for many days. The people in Samaria were actually starving. They could not get out of their walled city because of the enemies. The Samaritans were mad at Elisha and God for punishing them. Do you ever get mad at God for something you caused? Such a shame, but it often happens. There were four men with leprosy sitting outside the city gates because of their disease. They were starving too. They came upon a starling revelation. They would certainly starve if they stayed there. If they went to the Syrian camp for food they would probably be killed. So what, they would die anyway. So they decided to go to the enemy for food. When they arrived they found the camp completely deserted yet all their supplies were just as though the enemies had fled quickly. That is just what happened. God had caused them to hear the noise of many soldiers with their chariots. They got scared and ran for their lives. These four lepers found all of the belongings and food left behind. Our key verse tells us that they realized they were sitting on food for their starving friends and families. They quickly made hast back into de city and told everyone of the good fortune. We are also sitting on spiritual food for starving friends and families. Are we telling them of Christ? Will you do that today?

Tags: good news, spiritual food


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