Vacation Bible School
VBS at Oakwood Baptist is a 5-day fun-filled event each year for children from Kindergarten to 5th grade. It's filled with Bible lessons, science, fun games, missions, worship, and snacks! Our volunteers work hard to demonstrate and teach God's love for us!
July 7 - 11, 2025
Monday- Friday, 6:00 pm - 8:45pm
We had a blessed and God-filled VBS in 2024 and we look forward to having you all come back in Summer 2025!
Wonder Junction VBS 2025
(Ages: Completed Kindergarten - 5th Grade)
Howdy Partners! Look to your left - do you see the cattle over yonder stampeding across the plains? Look to your right - can your eyes make out the sun-covered buttes of the desert? Look behind you - the brand-new transcontinental railroad is rumbling along the tracks! From the Badlands of South Dakota to the high peaks of the Rockies, there is wonder to be discovered everywhere we turn in the Old West!
Join us as we gallop through the wonder-filled West, where our friends at Wonder Junction will teach us about the grandest wonder of all--Jesus Christ. Each day, we'll dig deeper into who this awe-inspiring Jesus is, encouraging kids to develop a love for Jesus and a desire to live for his glory.
Day 1: The Wonder of His Birth– The baby King's birth was a wonder. What amazing happenings surrounded it? Is Jesus the most important person ever born?
Day 2: The Wonder of His Childhood – What was the young King like as a child and teen? Is Jesus God or man--or both?
Day 3: The Wonder of His Ministry Years– What astonishing things occurred during the adult King's ministry years? How much power does Jesus have?
Day 4: The Wonder of His Death and Resurrection – How were the risen King's death and resurrection like no other? Could Jesus experience pain and sadness?
Day 5: The Wonder of His Return– The return of the King of kings will be a wonder. What should we be doing in the meantime? How will Jesus return?
1. High Point Bible Time - where God's Word is taught in creative, hands-on ways.
2. Carpenter Joe's Science and Crafts - kids make jazzy jungle crafts and explore God's amazing world with science experiments.
3. Sweet Sadie's Snacks - kids go bananas, munching on tropical treats and eats.
4. Gallopin' Gabe's Games - kids rumble in the jungle with some wild, and possibly wet, games.
Finally, everyone heads back to the All Aboard Assembly for the closing, where there's more singing, our daily animal pal, and a review of what they've learned!
So dust off your boots, grab your bandana, and get ready for a rootin' tootin' good time!
Here are some answers to our most frequently asked questions about Vacation Bible School...
- What age is our VBS for?
This year, VBS is for children just completed Kindergarten (as of June 2025) through completed 5th grade.
- What if my child just finished 5th grade?
We understand some 6th graders will want to attend VBS and we are happy for them to attend. Since we group the children by age, they will be placed in a group with other similar age children.
- What should my child wear?
Casual attire is best, such as t-shirts and shorts, with close-toed shoes (tennis shoes preferred). Your child will be playing games in the gym or outside, if the weather permits, so they will need to be comfortably dressed. Also, sometimes crafts can get a little messy, so they need to wear something that you don't mind getting dirty.
- What time should I bring my child?
Come early on Monday. Since it's the first day, it usually takes a little longer to get everyone checked in. For Tuesday- Friday, we recommend arriving 15 minutes before VBS begins, so your child(ren) don't miss any of the opening assembly. VBS begins at 6pm each day.
- How do I drop off and pick up my child?
You will come in through the lobby and check-in your child in the sanctuary to obtain their nametag. For pick-up be sure you know your safety word/phrase or have the label with the code that matches your child's name tag for the day.
- What if someone other than me is picking up my child?
Please tell your child's Group Leader who will be picking up your child. Also, please be sure that parent/guardian knows your safety word/phrase or has the label with the code that matches your child's name tag for the day.
- Can my child be in a group with a friend?
We will try to honor requests for your child to be with their friends. All our games, crafts, and lessons are geared towards specific ages, so if there is a large age gap between children (more than one grade) we would ask that your child stays in their age-appropriate group.
- What is VBS Celebration?
The last night of VBS is shorter so all the children and their families/friends can join us in the Family Life Center for snacks, games and fellowship!
On The Great Jungle Journey: An Epic Cruise from Genesis to Revelation, our kids cruised through jungle rivers, making stops at seven ports of call along the way - each starting with a C. These represent seven key biblical events - the 7 C's of History.
Day 1: Creation – The first C takes us back to the beginning of time and the creation of the universe when it was all good. Did the universe start with a big bang, or did God create it?
Day 2: Corruption and Catastrophe – Next, Adam sinned, which affected his descendants who were so wicked that God sent a global flood for judgement for their sins.
Day 3: Confusion – The fourth C checks out the events that began at the tower of Babel. Can this be where all the people groups originated from?
Day 4: Christ and the Cross – At these stops, we realize once again that man is sinful and needs a Savior. Hallelujah, God provides one in his Son!
Day 5: Consummation – The last C shows the thrilling conclusion to history when all goes back to very good again, and - best news ever - God wins against sin and Satan!
With Keepers of the Kingdom, our kids learned how they can be part of God’s kingdom through salvation in his Son and be equipped with the armor of God to become Keepers of the Kingdom who stand strong in today’s battle for truth!
Day 1: The Two Kingdoms – We discovered that there are just two kingdoms—the kingdom of light versus the kingdom of darkness. One is ruled by the good King, Creator God. The other is ruled by the enemy, Satan.
Day 2: The Belt – We must decide our side. Those who become citizens of God’s good kingdom need to wear the armor of God daily, starting with the belt of truth that helps us have an unshakable trust in God’s Word, and live as truthful people.
Day 3: The Breastplate and Shoes – The breastplate helps God’s children put on Christ’s righteousness and grow in right living. The shoes show us we can be at peace with God, which helps us stand firm in our Christian convictions and share Jesus with others.
Day 4: The Shield and Helmet – The shield and helmet protect us from the enemy’s attacks—wrong thinking, discouragement, and deception. We learned to discern!
Day 5: The Sword and Prayer – The sword of the Spirit is the word of God, which helps us train our brains to know, memorize, love, and obey God’s Word. And as we battle, we must pray!
At Zoomerang, our kids marveled at the unforgettable wildlife, culture, and beauty of Australia while exploring the wonder and value of life, from the lives of preborn babies to eternal life in the kingdom of God.
Day 1: The Beginning of Life—As we explored the Genesis account that describes the creation of man and woman, we found that people didn’t evolve from apemen. Instead, we discovered that Jesus is the Author of Life.
Day 2: The Wonder of Life—We checked out the words of King David who expressed the wonder of being formed by God even before he was born. As we looked at the special design features of our bodies, we learned that we’re fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image.
Day 3: The Value of Life—The book of Matthew tells the account of Jesus’ birth and the subsequent murder of Bethlehem’s baby boys. As we looked at this passage, we discovered that God wants us to protect and respect all life—no matter how old, young, smart, or physically fit someone is. Every life is precious to God!
Day 4: Eternal Life—As we explored the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, we saw there is only one way to have eternal life with God—through believing in his Son.
Day 5: Using Your Life—When Jesus ascended into heaven, he left his followers with an important mission. We took a closer look at the truth that we are created for a reason—to glorify God through the good works he has prepared for us to do.
Kids gained a better understanding of our awe-inspiring Creator God and the salvation he offers through Jesus Christ! They discovered who God is by studying his attributes as they looked to the only source of truth, God’s Word.
Day 1: God is GREAT! - As we stopped in Acts 17 and found a city full of idols, we hunted for clues about our great God and discovered we must have the right view of him. We can’t make up a god of our own choosing.
Day 2: God is ALMIGHTY! - Our mighty God knows everything, is everywhere, and has the power to do anything. As we studied the account of Jonah, we focused on the three big O's of God—his omniscience, his omnipotence, and his omnipresence.
Day 3: God is RULER! - We checked in with Isaiah and realized God is not like us. Our minds were blown away by his vastness, beauty, and holiness.
Day 4: God is EMMANUEL! - God is high and mighty, Lord of all creation. And yet, he also came to earth (Emmanuel means “God with us”) and desires a relationship with the people he has made. He is good and he loves us.
Day 5: God is TRUSTWORTHY! - With the account of David, we learned that God is great, God is good, and God is perfect in all things, so we can trust him with our lives. He is our rock.